Test your Skills

Welcome to our Tableau quiz! Test your knowledge and skills in data visualization and analysis with this interactive quiz. The quiz includes a variety of questions on topics such as data source connections, chart types, and visualization best practices. Whether you're new to Tableau or a seasoned pro, this quiz will challenge and inspire you to take your data visualization skills to the next level. So, let's begin and see how much you know about Tableau!"
Click on the topic below to see the questions

Data and Visualization

This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of data and visualization in Tableau. It will cover various topics related to connecting to and working with data in Tableau, including data source types, data connection options, and data preparation techniques. Take this quiz to see how well you understand the data source capabilities of Tableau and to identify areas where you may need to improve your knowledge.
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Practice Test 1

This quiz helps you to test your knowledge on Tableau

1 / 5

What will be the output following calculation in Tableau?

Dateadd('day',"2018-03-24", 5)

2 / 5

Which functions can be used to send SQL expressions directly to the database, without being interpreted by Tableau?

3 / 5

What is the result of the following calculation in Tableau?


4 / 5

What is the output of following calculation in Tableau?

SPLIT ( "CA-2018-02-01","-",1)

5 / 5

Viz published to Tableau public can be viewed by anyone?

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Practice Test 2

This quiz helps you to test your knowledge on Tableau

1 / 5

In which of the following conditions clustering is not available?

2 / 5

What type of schema is suitable for querying large data sets?

3 / 5

Which type of LOD is useful when you want to calculate at a fine level of detail in the database and then re-aggregate and show at a coarser level of detail in your view?

4 / 5

Which of the following algorithm is used for Clustering in Tableau Desktop?

5 / 5

Cluster analysis partitions marks in the view into clusters. Where do you find the 'Cluster' option in Tableau Desktop?

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Practice Test 3

This quiz helps you to test your knowledge on Tableau

1 / 5

Tableau Preferences File (.tps) can be used to create

2 / 5

What does Tableau return ?

3 / 5

.tds file contains the information necessary to connect to the actual data and other modifications information but not the actual data.

4 / 5

Which of the following calculation returns number of days between order date and ship date?

5 / 5

"Export" is the new dashboard object allows to export dashboard. Which of the following format options you can choose?

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Practice Test 4

Try this quiz to see how much you know about Tableau

1 / 5

Row level security can be implemented using _________

2 / 5

COUNTD function is one of the slowest aggregation types in almost all data sources.

3 / 5

Which of the following is not a Tableau file type?

4 / 5

When the workbook uses multiple tables from the same database, which of the following improves performance?

5 / 5

Which of the following Tableau file format allows you to work without connecting to the data source?

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